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Gondola with up to 4 people

40 minutes $122

1 Hour $145

Additional 1 or 2 passengers


Our Gondola may be boarded from the River Café & Red Ochre.

Other boarding point's will incur an additional surcharge

InterContinental $40

Elder Park $40

Jolley's Boathouse $44

Adelaide Zoo $60

Surcharge is halved if the trip is only one way, to or from the River Café & Red Ochre.
Sparkling Wine
Arras EJ Carr Late Disgorged* $220
Wicks Estate Pamela Vintage Sparkling $46
Sidewood NV  $41
Patritti Sparkling Shiraz $39
Bleasdale Sparkling Shiraz 375ml $27
Red Wine
Bleasdale Mulbery Tree Cabernet Sauvignon $36  (375ml $26)
Bleasdale Bremerview Shiraz $36 (375ml $26)
White Wine
Bleasdale Sauvignon Blanc $42
Patritti Riesling $39
Bleasdale Pinot Gris 375ml $27
Rose & Moscato
Mazi Grenache $40
Mazi Mavrodaphne $44
Mazi Matero Cincault Grenache $44
Non Alcoholic
Patritti Sparkling Apple Juice $22
Patritto VNO White Wine $20

*Limited Stock.
A surcharge may apply on public holidays or after 9pm on any day.
A surcharge does apply on Valentines Day.
#Any one buying 2 x 375ml bottles , $1 off per bottle.






©Copyright Adelaide Gondola 2020